About Us

Who We Are

We’re two people who are originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania who care about our planet and want to motivate people like us to live sustainably and develop an environmentally conscious mindset. Now living on both coasts of the U.S., we are passionate about spreading the word to motivate positive change in our generation. Climate change is the largest issue of our time, and we must unite to combat this global problem before it is too late. If each individual commits to making one or two minor changes in their lives we can better our Earth and work to preserve its natural beauty for future generations. Just one person impacted by our platform is a step towards environmental justice and positive change for our planet. Just remember that you CAN make a difference! 

- Gabby & Kendall


Why ‘The New Wave’

It all started with our passion for ocean advocacy. Our original goal was to inspire kids our age to help keep our oceans and marine life safe, but we soon realized that the root of all environmental concerns, including deteriorating marine ecosystems, stem from climate change and unsustainable human practices. Through this platform we hope to provoke change in the younger generation, for we are to inherit this Earth and therefore must work together to keep it clean and suitable for all forms of life. We are all apart of the new wave of environmental advocates, and must rise to the challenge of initiating change and healing our planet. And so, The New Wave was born.