
The Simple Steps



A rise in carbon dioxide emissions is altering the delicate pH balance within our oceans. This impacts coral reef ecosystems and marine biodiversity. Below are simple solutions you can implement into your life to help combat this issue and save our seas. 

  • Invest in ocean-friendly products! 

    • Reef-safe sunscreen 

    • Recycled beach bags

    • Sustainable beach brands 

  • Rethink your plastic use 

    • Use reusable plastic products

    • Purchase products with recyclable or minimal packaging    

  • Ditch the plastic straw! 

  • Be mindful of your daily water usage

    • Purchase a low flow showerhead 

    • Take shorter showers



A rise in temperature contributes to extreme weather events such as flooding and drought. The agricultural sector is especially impacted which compromises food quality and availability. Try to incorporate a few of these action steps into your life to keep the land we live on lush and productive.

  • Eat locally produced, organic foods 

  • Create a home garden 

  • Cut down on red meat

  • Join local zero waste support groups

  • Donate old clothes, thrift new ones 

    • Thrifting is fun, eco-friendly, and cheap! 

    • Shop from sustainable brands

    • Avoid fast fashion brands

  • Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, and Recycle 

  • Pick up trash

  • Buy consciously & consume less!



The pollutants humans are releasing into the atmosphere aren’t only fueling climate change, but are impacting the quality of the air we breathe. Below are simple, attainable action steps to help reduce your carbon footprint and keep our skies blue. 

  • Carpool

  • Go easy on the gas! Drive efficiently. 

  • Bike, scooter, skateboard - think differently, make transportation fun! 

  • Don’t overcharge electronic devices! Once they have reached full charge, unplug them to avoid phantom loads.

  • Use public transit

  • Reduce junk mail (digital carbon footprint is a real thing)

  • Move to the cloud—data centers are typically more efficient than local storage

  • Consider your electronic waste