COVID-19 Positives

With everything that’s happening in the world, it’s easy to get distracted and caught up in the negatives. But, despite popular belief, there are some good things coming out of this global pandemic.

With people across the globe staying home to avoid the spread of the virus, the Earth is turning wilder and cleaner. The Venice Canals have cleared and local fish populations are now visible through the once turbid waters. The air quality in New Delhi, one of the most populated and polluted cities in the world, has drastically improved and buildings that were once encapsulated by a thick layer of smog are now clearly visible. There have even been sightings of wild animals roaming through vacated city streets.  

In addition, “carbon emissions in China were down 18 percent between early February and mid-march,” according to National Geographic. China has been a large contributor to carbon emissions in the past, so this is a positive step in the world.

This gives us insight into how much of a hold humans have on the quality of the Earth. It is quite remarkable to see how the Earth is already beginning the process of healing itself in only a few months without human influence.  

We must use this time to reflect on the past, take action in the present, and work to preserve our Earth for the future. It is inspiring to see how humanity has come together to fight this virus and make sacrifices to ensure its containment. This proves that humans are fully capable of making change if they are motivated enough to do so. If a similar initiative is taken towards the fight against global warming, significant progress is likely to be made. We just need the education and drive to combat this issue.

So, what can we do? To begin, we must recognize that this is a global scale issue, one that affects everyone, everywhere. Because most of us are either too young to vote or aren’t able to march all the way down to Washington DC, it can be falsely perceived as difficult to do our part. However, there are ways that we can use this time at home as an opportunity to rethink our practices as a generation.  

There are many ways that we can reduce our carbon footprint. A few examples being …

  • Eat foods from lower trophic levels. This means more fruits, veggies, and a reduced meat intake (particularly beef). *The average amount of water used to produce one pound of beef is 1,800 gallons .. just to put that into perspective, that’s 105 showers* 

  • Avoid fast fashion brands that don’t use sustainable practices. Instead, go thrifting or buy clothes that you will be able to wear long into the future.

  • Especially during this time it is important to release your stress and get those endorphins up by taking a leisurely walk outdoors or riding your bike. If your destination is within walking/biking distance, get some fresh air and avoid the drive! 

  • Support local businesses. It is so important to pay it forward to small businesses and help them stay on their feet during these challenging times. It also cuts down on the resources and energy it takes to transport food long distances. 

During this global pandemic it is important to stay positive and do your part by both staying home and keeping an optimistic perspective. Stay safe, healthy, and happy!   



