The Environmental Mindset


As most of you have probably noticed, we’ve been sort of quiet since January. While we took a pause on the production of our content, we finished off our high school careers in the most fulfilling way possible, and we also used the time to reflect again on our role as teenagers in the age of climate justice and global warming. So, we wanted to make a quick post reminding you of a few things, but also to let everyone know that we’re still here and always motivated to make content that encourages teenagers like ourselves to continue in the fight against climate change.

To begin, when we started the blog last spring, our minds were fresh with ideas for posts, tips, and tricks for teenagers who wanted to do a positive good in relationship to the earth. In the beginning we focused on tangible actions—the little things like avoiding certain types of products or being more aware as consumers. As time has moved forward, and with time to think, we really wanted to start placing emphasis on the mindset that surrounds being an environmental advocate, because it truly is where everything starts.

This environmental mindset reshapes the way you live. It reshapes your life into one that continues in harmony with the planet and all of its beings. What makes up this way of thinking is the concept of using the earth and the environment as something that directs your thinking patterns when you are going about your day-to-day life. For example, before you get in the car to go a short distance you may think, using this new mindset, wouldn’t it be better for the world around me to ride a bike? Or even on a larger scale, when you are exercising your right to vote you will begin to look for the environmental promises of the candidates in addition to their other policies.

All in all, when we continue to think of the environment as something that is affected by even the smallest of actions, we as a collective begin to find ourselves to be more present as individuals and as a society in relation to the changing world and environment around us. Don’t think that this means you shouldn’t continue to educate yourselves on the latest happenings surrounding climate change or continue to call for reform in relation to corporations who ignore their environmental footprint—it is still incredibly important that we, young environmental advocates, continue to fight for these things to ensure a better future for ourselves and our children. But in this post, we just wanted to remind everyone of where it starts: with the little things. Thoughts direct actions, and if we all begin to be a little more mindful of the way we live and the needs of the earth, our actions will reflect the positivity that we now foster within ourselves; a positivity that will translate into beneficial change that fights for climate justice. Like we said before, every little thing we can do to help the environment counts.

It’s good to be back!



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